
Drawing Good Girls with Adam Hughes.

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $14.97.

(Sorry, no shipping outside the U.S., otherwise the shipping ends up being as much as the DVD itself)

Follow Adam through his artistic process, from a clean, blank sheet of paper to a completed pin-up illustration. Adam will demonstrate how he draws, inks and tonally renders in marker a “Good Girl” illustration right before your eyes! Adam Hughes is probably best known for his stylized renderings of women; super heroines, damsels in distress, and figures in fantasy.

This video is not for beginners.  It will not teach you how to draw.  It assumes you have a very high level of skill already.

It mostly goes over how Adam approaches a drawing.  There are even parts where the video jumps forward a bit.

That said, this is a MUST for Adam Hughes fans.  Especially if you want to get some insight about how he approaches drawings. He also shares a lot of really useful drawing tips.

Want to know Adam Hughes’ Copic Marker techniques? Get this video.

Want to see how Adam gets that cool Art Nouveau ink line? Get this video.

Want to see Adam’s approach to drawing pretty women as well as hear him talk about it? Get this video.

Still not convinced? Look at the description below for at taste of what you get.


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Wanna draw like this dude?

Mina_and_The_Monster_by_AdamHughes Legacy_Centerfold_by_AdamHughes

This is the DVD for you.

Here's a sample of what you will get in this video:


Here's some drawings I did using the techniques I learned from watching the full DVD:

Amanda Seyfried

Pretty Girl with Glasses


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